May 24, 2017
To be human
We are all human. We all have something to offer or something to lose. The more open you are, the more successful your life will be. Recognizing certain aspects of life could bring you clarity on this journey:
- You will receive only one body. You may love it or hate it, but it will be yours for the duration of your life. There is only one body like yours on the entire planet - and you own it - which makes it a very valuable commodity! Pay attention to him and above all, love him.
- You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time school called "life." Every day you will have the opportunity to learn lessons and experience pitfalls. But, no matter how big these obstacles are, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and that is how you will learn valuable lessons.
- There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of experimentation, a series of trials, errors and occasional victories. The essence of being human is the right to be able to make mistakes. This is important and part of personal growth and allows us to become a better version of ourselves. Take responsibility for your mistakes and be aware of the lessons that emerge from them.
- There is no time like the present. We can only change our future by what we do in this very moment.
- You won't please everyone and not everyone will like you. Save your time and energy for the people you care about and care about. Others will definitely get over your indifference and lack of attention.
- If you can't stop thinking about it; do it! You have a dream, a project, an idea... go for it. Stop thinking about what there is to lose (there will probably be a lot) and start thinking about what there is to gain. When you start a project that is important to you, you will have passion, energy, creativity and resources that you never imagined.
- Sometimes the best you can do is just breathe. And that's okay. Who hasn't already had this feeling... Know that it's good to let go, to collapse and feel that you can't do everything. Stay there for a little while – it’s healing and important. However, don't stay there for a long time.
- Everything you need to succeed is within you. Everything you need to survive life and achieve your goals is within you. Take a new look at things. If something no longer works for you, get rid of it and follow your instincts.
Things don't always work out the way we want them to, but when they do, it's always worth the risk. Let's stop missing opportunities, not realizing ourselves because we live in parallel, waiting for the right moment, the right opportunity, the right person. Let's be bold and courageous. Let's connect, grow, love, take risks, take a stand and live life to the fullest.