8 tips for a simpler and greener Christmas.
How to bring back Christmas magic!
I love the first snow ... the Christmas decorations that illuminate the great darkness ... the old CDs that we bring out every year ... and that we sing out loud while dancing around the tree ... under construction.
More than a month before Christmas my daughter decided that with the snow comes the tree, it's this weekend that it happens! We have never been so far ahead in the Christmas spirit... My mom's heart went crazy! I knew it would happen one day soon... My baby is 15 years old! It's already been 5 years since she realized with a little sadness that elves come from the hardware store and not from the North Pole!
DDoes this mean that the magic of Christmas has to disappear? Certainly not, but that's when I had to explain to her that magic needs to be nourished and that it's up to us to keep it alive in every possible way, because a Christmas without magic is very sad, but a life without magic is much worse, very long and unhappy.
My chip is a teenager, yet ebetween two "fool cool" Maria Carey has been rocking the car since November 1st. Even though she no longer believes in elves, she gives her 110% in the Christmas magic! Today, we'll be pulling out the snow sleds to enjoy the first snow!
In a world where all that seems important is to have more and have it faster, it doesn't leave us much time for wonder and joy. Becoming a guardian of magic is a bit like being a magician of happiness... Each time the holidays approach, my heart is torn between the happiness of the occasion and the pressures that society imposes on us. I even come to want to skip Christmas... But magic and joy have their moments of glory too, that's why I try to get back to basics.
For you who are under these same pressures, I wanted to share with you some ideas for a simpler, greener and above all more magical Christmas!
1) The Christmas tree: we switch to recycling mode and walk in the forest to revive a tree!
When I was little at the beginning of December, we went into the forest with our sled to find the tree that would make everyone happy... This hike was an opportunity to laugh, to bicker between brothers and sisters, to get some fresh air and the most beautiful pretext to deserve donuts and hot chocolate on the way back. Today instead of cutting down a tree, we harvest branches already on the ground and with a bit of rope we invent a tree... We are still bickering and the donuts and hot chocolate are still delicious! If you choose the option of cutting down a tree, don't forget to replant one in the spring.
2) The decorations :
As for the decorations why not make rustic decorations every year from what you find in the house... old sweaters, coat insulation, photos from the last year and voila. Each year your tree increases its adornment while reminding you of the memories of past years.
3) If custom dictates that we dress new and you want to treat yourself, ideally buy from a designer here, and in any case make sure that this item of clothing will be worn at least 30 times before you dispose of it…Remember to recycle or offer a garment that you no longer wear to make a new place in the wardrobe for your new outfits…
4) Whatever tradition, if it makes you sweat, start a new one! Why not a Christmas in pyjama! Traditions are important, but there's nothing stopping us from reinventing them if they don't fit our values and budgets.
5) Rethink gifts: a great way to rethink gifts is to have a discussion around the table...On the meaning of celebration, the reason for gifts and the importance of appreciating what we already have...
What do we really need? What would we really enjoy receiving? What are we ready to give to the next? What do we want to offer?
Barter: what serves us more can always please someone else.
Volunteer your time: One of our unique talents deserves to be shared; courses in web, drawing, sewing, cooking or accounting, stylist or decorator for the day, etc. etc The possibilities are limitless!
Make a list of your needs for the year and wait for the fun! Use the holiday as an excuse to fulfill the needs of those you love. Whether for bedding, dishes, clothes, new shoes or decorations... Remember to buy quality, organic and recycled. Visit local merchants and enjoy the Christmas markets to buy from a craftsman... You're short on time, visit online stores that offer products made by us. But above all, wait for Santa Claus to come by with his sleigh to offer them... a few weeks more or less... Don't forget to give away or recycle what will be replaced.
6) Take time for yourself.
I don't know about you, but I tend to give more than I take. Take time for yourself whether it's for a nap, a run or a walk or an evening with friends. It's a great way to prepare your body and mind to give back. The energy communicates and it is difficult to fill a glass with an empty jar. Take care of yourself and everyone will win!
7) Play with the kids
Board games, karaoke, dancing, pillow fights or winter sports; it's time for fun and laughter. Leave aside the pride and your serious look, take the opportunity to find your child's heart.
8) Celebrate with the harvests of our land.
Cook on your budget with local products and water it all down of a delicious home-made elixir. These are my ways of relaxing, supporting local jobs, protecting the planet and above all preserving the sense of celebration and the spirit of Christmas.
Long live Santa Claus, his elves so that the magic remains at all times.
And you, what are your ideas for a simpler, greener and above all more magical Christmas?